Friday, March 18, 2011

Yishun dam

Some people are such bitches. Pushing the blame, using vulgarities on people. How do you even live with yourself?

Never mind about my bad day at work.

Met up with Sass, Shyan, Tricia & Wenn at Serangoon Gardens after work. I feel like I'm addicted to taking cabs :| once again. I really need to have some self control! Spending way too much on transport.

Prata > chee cheong fun > desserts > Yishun Dam > Home

Thanks for the company guys <3
Really needed to talk & laugh. Other than work, that's all I do.

Everyone is afraid that no one will attend their birthday parties. So am I. What if I was expecting 50 and a handful of.. let's say 5. Only 5 came!? I'll be the first person to die of sadness/rejection.

Finally slept at 3am. Came to work like freaking zombie! Two cups of cofee & one can of Redbull but still mad sleepy. Jeez!

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